Tom's Priorities
Learn more about how Tom wants to work for you!
Economy and Jobs
Workers are the backbone of Ohio’s economy. For too long, our gerrymandered legislature has focused on businesses at the expense of those working within those businesses or the patrons of those establishments.
- $10.45/hour is not a livable wage for most working Ohioans
- $5.25 plus tips for service employees
- If you see a tip jar in ANY establishment the workers are paid less than minimum wage
- I support the effort to increase the minimum wage to $15/hour
We need to strengthen our unions whose focus is on the employee, not the employer. We must invest in higher wages and better working conditions.
- It is unconscionable to allow children (14+) to work in major industries
When companies focus on prices rather than the wellbeing of the consumer, we all suffer.
Public education is the bedrock of American society. In 2024, however, EdChoice will cost Ohioans $800+ million in taxpayer dollars to pay parents to send their children to private charter schools or to home-school.
- The US Department of Education gives Ohio a C- rating regarding public education (28th in the nation)
- Charter schools discriminate (no special needs children)
- Charter schools do not require teacher accreditation
- There is no quality-control for homeschooling.
- If charter/homeschool children wish to play sports/go to the prom, etc., they avail themselves of the public school system WHICH YOU PAY FOR.
The Republican Party favors increased vouchers for private school subsidies. Rather than turn our back on Ohio’s public schools, we need to ensure all our children are provided a safe, positive learning environment. By empowering parents and teachers alike, revitalizing our course curriculum, and repelling attacks on our education system, our kids can go to school within their own neighborhoods.
Environment and Agriculture
Butler County is America’s heartland, and farming is a way of life. In the State Senate, I’ll work to ensure farmers have a seat at the table alongside other business interests to voice their concerns. Big Box warehouses are eating up valuable farmland and spoiling the land . We need to keep Butler County beautiful.
Our Republican representatives are following their party leader’s mantra of “drill, drill, drill” by spoiling one of our most treasured resources–our State Parks. Not only do they want to use YOUR state parks to drill, but they intend to use “fracking” to pump out the oil and natural gas.
This is a disaster in the making. We already have hundreds of “orphaned” gas and oil wells in Ohio which remain unmonitored and leak natural gas into the environment. In addition, fracking requires oil companies to pump hundreds of thousands of gallons of “fracking fluid” which contains a proprietary slurry mix which by law cannot be disclosed to the public.
We don’t need any more chemicals poisoning our aquifer–vital to not only our agriculture but what you and I drink! Yet another example of our “leaders” putting business interests ahead of its constituents.
Let’s be honest with ourselves – Ohio politics has a corruption problem. With the Republican legislature focused wholly on business development Ohio is an easy mark.
The FBI ranked our State Legislature as the MOST CORRUPT in the nation. Years later, Ohioans are still paying a ‘corruption tax’ on our energy bills. Many of our formally elected officials are in prison, and some of our CURRENT legislators are facing corruption trials. This is an embarrassment for all Ohioans, but also in Butler County where our current politicians try to ignore their checkered pasts.
I have no baggage. I do not seek this elected State Senate position for money or power. I only wish to represent Butler County and its residents and provide them a voice in Columbus.
There is a reason it’s called “The Healthcare Industry”: it’s profit based.
- When the fire department comes to your home, they don’t charge you for putting out the fire.
- If you call the police due to a potential burglar, the officer will not bill you for the response.
- However, if you call an ambulance due to chest pains:
- You’ll be billed for the transportation
- If you’re admitted to the hospital for treatment, you’ll be billed
- All medications, doctor/nurse visits, tests, etc. will be billed.
Healthcare is a right, not a commodity. No one should have to make a financial decision on whether to seek health care.
When I’m elected to the State Senate, I’ll work to:
- Fight for universal health care for all
- Cap co-pays for needed pharmaceutical medications
- Demand pre-natal and post-natal health care for all Ohioans.
The Republican-led Ohio legislature just passed a bill DENYING health care to children undergoing gender affirming care. How DARE they insert themselves into a decision that belongs solely between parents, their child and their doctor?
When elected, I will fight to ensure health care is available to ALL Ohioans, particularly children.
Reproductive Rights
Ohio just voted to codify abortion and reproductive rights within our State Constitution. Women in Ohio may now make their own reproductive decisions–YET the Republican legislature is fighting to deny this RIGHT.
The Republican Party is in lockstep in its effort to restrict your choice. Not only did Ohio voters tell them to back off – THIS DISTRICT voted in favor of Issue 1. Butler County is pro-choice – and I’m the only pro-choice candidate in this race.
Mental Health and Addiction
The opioid crisis is sweeping the nation, but the issue is particularly acute here in Ohio.
- Our overdose rate is significantly higher than the general population
- Addiction is a disease, not a crime, yet the Republicans favor punishment over treatment
In Columbus, I’ll work to:
- Make Naloxone and other opioid reversal drugs widely available and easily accessible to law enforcement—which is currently denied.
- Invest in treatment centers
2nd Amendment
I’m a cop’s son and a retired soldier. My father put my first weapon in my hands as a teenager and taught me responsible gun safety. I’m a supporter of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. As of October 2023, firearm injuries were cited as the leading cause of death in children ages 1-19. Whether it be due to homicides, suicides or unintentional injury, we have to do better to protect our youth. The 2nd Amendment’s second word is “well-regulated.” We MUST take steps to ensure we REGULATE weapons in this country.
I do NOT propose taking a weapon away from any American citizen who has the right to own one, but I DO propose increased regulation to protect the law-abiding gun owners whose 2nd Amendment rights are threatened by bad actors.
These regulations would include:
- Universal background checks
- “Red Flag” laws to alert authorities and protect those threatened
- Registration* of so-called “assault weapons” (weapons capable of employing large-capacity magazines and/or convertible to automatic mode).
*And what do I mean by “registration”? I only want accountability–no less than the DMV knowing you own a car. And just like the DMV requires you have a license to operate a car, I would propose the State be aware you both have the training to properly handle this type of weapon and know how to properly store it.
Meet Tom
Born on Long Island to a police detective, Tom developed a passion for theater and participated in plays and musicals throughout his childhood. He enlisted in the Army right out of high school, and after four years used the GI Bill to enroll at St. John's University in New York. While there he joined the ROTC program, and as the 1980 Distinguished Military Graduate received a direct Regular Army commission as a Second Lieutenant in Military Intelligence.

While an officer, Tom earned his parachutist wings and later a Master's Degree in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University in Washington D.C. During his 20-year commissioned tenure he served in various intelligence roles and planning capacities around the world to include: the US Navy Atlantic Command; Supreme Headquarters Allied Forces Europe(SHAPE) in Belgium (where he continued in community theater!); NATO Central Command in The Netherlands; U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, and; U.S Joint Forces Command. He also served as an intelligence analyst with the XVIII Airborne Corps during Operations Desert Shield/Storm in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
Tom retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2000. His military awards include: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal (3x); Joint Forces Commendation Medal (2x). Of note, while attending the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College he was awarded the Douglas McArthur Leadership Writing Award. Tom spent the next 21 years as Senior Staff Officer at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in Springfield, Virginia where he was awarded Division Chief of the Year, Supervisory Staff Officer of the Year and the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal.

In 2021, Tom joined the Oxford and Butler County community. Tom is a member of the local Kiwanis and belongs to the American Legion. Now, he's turning his eye toward public service in the Ohio State Senate.


Miami University College Democrats
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